Sunday, June 1, 2014

Time to plug a new find!

Volksamerica online magazine is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. It is well-produced and just a great new online publication which comes out quarterly. I was hipped to this via one of many VW Facebook pages that I belong to. I looked through both issues and didn't find this lacking in the least.

Among the many gorgeous photos taken by Joy Powers of Truly Vintage Photography are stories of VW owners, normal folk, who might gather in someone's garage to work on an older model to the people that gather in city parks, fairgrounds and on beaches to the VW background stories on how their love of this great car brought them together. There used to be a magazine similar to this called 'Cruiser Quarterly' which focused on the PT Cruiser with similar topics and car-related stories.

This magazine was started by Jeremy Noble who is a dyed-in-the-wool VW enthusiast and his love for this car radiates through every page of this fine publication. He has chosen some great articles and stories to feature. I admire people such as Jeremy who follow their passions because when they do, great things begin to happen. I'm on a similar path actually (but that's a whole other blog!)

The thing that I've noticed since my addiction to VWs became full blown is that a lot of people have VW stories. I recently was a vendor at two different types of shows, one a primarily VW show and one not and in both instances, the stories people told me kept me interested as well as amused. Volksamerica features this same sort of story-telling that I love and that a lot of people who love these cars will relate to on some level.

If you feel inclined to check out this great magazine, you can visit it here-

Two issues are now out and you can view those as they are free.

There is also a Facebook page as well and you can find that here-

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kimberly, Jeremy here from Volksamerica. Thank you so much for your kind words and for plugging our magazine. Paul Cave (Pitstop Publishing) and I have worked very hard to bring this magazine the the public and it is very rewarding to see a blog and excitement about us. Check out Pauls other creations a Thanks again!
