Friday, November 8, 2013

Two words for this coming Sunday...Bug Jam!

The call of all things vintage VeeDub is calling me to Bug Jam! This will mark the first year I've attended this event and I've been looking forward to it for months. 

I may not have a VW of any type but that doesn't stop me from loving them, especially the older ones. Every time I see an old Bug, Beetle or Bus while out in traffic, I can't help but smile. I think that Walt Disney Productions was onto something when they created the 'Herbie the Love Bug' franchise. I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised to know that I have the boxed set of Herbies. (The only ones I don't own are 'Herbie Goes Bananas' and 'Herbie-Fully Loaded'.) Aside from my adoration of the 'Cars' movies franchise, the Herbie series comes close to #1 on my list. 

There's just something that happens to me whenever I see an old VW on the road. Even if I'm in the worst mood in the world, just seeing one of those cars just takes the awfulness away and I feel uplifted. When I am lucky enough to see one out and about, I always ponder the age of it and am amazed at how something so old is still running and is road ready. I always get such a good feeling whenever I see one. 

I attended the St. Pete Beach VW BASH this past Labor Day and aside from all the hot VW action, I was amazed at how friendly most of the owners were that I chatted with. These folks were only too happy to talk about their cars. The vibe I got from some of the folks at this event was one of a mellow, peaceful easy feeling. The VW owners come from all walks of life, like any other car club out there. I also noticed quite a lot of families within the VW community. As I like to say 'Gotta start 'em young!' 

So knowing how cool the VW folks were at this last event, I cannot wait to chat with more this coming Sunday. I'm really looking forward to this event. Since it's going to be held at a fairground, you can only imagine the acres and acres of the fine beauties to check out. 

Even just posting this photo from the past Beach BASH, I am smiling. 

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